lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

Post 1: A country I would like to visit.


If I close my eyes for a while and start to think about the places that I want to see, I could say that the list could be endless, but given the fact that I must choose one, I think it would be Netherlands.


When I was in 3erd grade of high school an exchange student from Netherlands arrives to my school in Valdivia, her name was Noor. My English teacher at the time ask her if she could make a presentation about her country and I remember that while she showed us her presentation, I fell deeply in love with the Netherlands and since then I been dreaming to visit it.

The capital of the Netherlands is known as “the city that never sleeps and there is always something to do”, in other words: Amsterdam.


One of my favorite hobbies is cycling and the Netherlands is the perfect country to practice this activity. The Dutch landscape is famously flat so is perfect for a ride. You can even get to Belgium or Germany your bike, so it is very easy to do tourism in the interior of the country. The downside of being a flat country is that it makes all places very windy, especially in winter, also in that season the temperature drops too low, rains a lot and it usually snows.


The Good thing about the Netherlands is that it is a very organized country, the streets are always clean, and the rate crime is very low. They have a low unemployment rate, and the salaries are high but is expensive to live there, because they have a lot of taxes. They even have a tax for having pets! And their health system is not free either, you must pay for an insurance. Well, not everything is perfect, but I really hope that one day, hopefully when the pandemic ends, I can go for the holidays to the Netherlands.

1 comentario:

  1. i didn't know that netherlands has the best environment to cycling, its my little hobbie too...


Post 10: English Language Challenges

  To be very honest, I think English is a subject that I have neglected this semester. I've had a hard time keeping up with the blogs an...