lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

Post 3: Movies.


To be honest I don't have a favorite film genre, personally I prefer to enjoy the pleasure of watching movies in general. However, lately I lean more towards science fiction films such as Inception, V for Vendetta or Arrival.

However, I would like to take a minute to talk about the Wachoswki sisters and the Matrix, who were the directors of this movie. I remember seeing references to the Matrix in commercials or the typical scene where Neo dodges bullets in slow motion ever since I was a little girl, but it wasn't until my teenage years that I spent the time it deserves to really understand the story message that the movie delivers.

My surprise was even greater when in 2020 Lilly Wachowski confirmed the theory that "The Matrix" is a trans story. Lilly stated that that was the original idea of ​​the film, but that the corporate world wasn’t ready for this type of content. This caused my vision and interpretation of the film to change radically, and I liked it even more.

I'm going to put here a part of Lilly's interview with Netflix where she talks a little more about the initial idea of ​​Matrix:

“The Matrix stuff was all like about the desire of transformation, but it was all coming from a closed point of view.  We had the character of Switch who was like a man in the real world and a woman in the Matrix and that’s where both of our head spaces where (…) Because trans people exist in this, specially for me and Lana, were existing in a space where the words didn’t exist, so we’re always living in a world of imagination.” Here’s the interview.

1 comentario:

  1. Matrix didn't call my attention in first place but when i give me the chance of seen the movie i love it, the full


Post 10: English Language Challenges

  To be very honest, I think English is a subject that I have neglected this semester. I've had a hard time keeping up with the blogs an...