lunes, 26 de julio de 2021

Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

  Despite the fact that I believe that my career has a good level regarding the content they deliver, there are many things that I have observed in these three years as a student that have left me wanting to change things. I’m going to start from the most general to the most particular.

In the first place, regarding the sociology curricular, I think it’s very well thought out regarding the gradual advance of the contents. For example, the signatures of theory progress simultaneously as the curricular progresses, in this sense, it’s achieved that some signatures dialogue with each other in the same semester. However, there are many gaps around subjects that should be mandatory or have more emphasis, but are present to meet a “quota”. I'm talking about gender signatures, for example.

Hope you don't get me wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed the sociology of the genre! But I think that the way of approaching the subject was very expository and there was not much space for reflection, debate or dialogue. I recognize that in online classes it is difficult to achieve a participation or conversation as enriching as it was achieved in person, but that is not why an instance can be missed where gender, gender roles, the position of women, micromachisms, masculinities, ways of relating, among other aspects.

Another flaw that I see in the curricular is that it should necessarily have a branch of sociology of environmental crisis. At the end of the day, I believe that the objective of this career is to have a comprehensive vision of society and the environmental crisis is something that is happening now, therefore, it’s important that as professionals we have tools to be able to cope with this crisis in our future jobs. 

Another debt that I see from my career and from the University in general is in inclusion issues. I mean that there are indeed gender inclusion policies or for neuro divergent people, but there is no effective accompaniment or psychosocial support provided by the institution. I feel that all careers should have at least one psychosocial team to closely support mental health or inclusion issues.

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Post 10: English Language Challenges

  To be very honest, I think English is a subject that I have neglected this semester. I've had a hard time keeping up with the blogs an...